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Cañón Buena Vista

Artwork made by Jaden


This month’s God Wink comes to us from our friends at “Cañón Buena Vista”.      
Cañón Buena Vista is a girls orphanage south of Ensenada in Baja, Mexico. The 37 residents are wards of the state, meaning that they have been removed from their family by the government because of abuse, family drug problems, extreme poverty, abandonment, and many other heartbreaking reasons. The Mexican government does not provide any financial support for children in these licensed, privately run orphanages, they leave the responsibility to sustain life by the good people running the home. 

Corazon de Vida has recently started to help this orphanage with funds for food, utilities, staff salaries, and quality of life improvements. 

One immediate request by the director was for a vehicle to help transport the children to school, medical trips, and errands. The vehicle they have is barely operational and they were desperate for transportation. Corazon de Vida recently delivered a mini van in good condition to help and as we drove into the home property, we were greeted by a Welcome sign, hugs, smiles, and many blessings. The middle and high school girls were in school, we were greeted by the primary girls only on that day. We are still in search of a large 15 person passenger van for the home and with God’s blessings, we will be able to provide one soon. 

We look forward to helping God’s most vulnerable children to give them health, hope, and healing. If you would like to visit Cañón Buena Vista, please contact Corazon de Vida director George Perez at george@corazondevida.org

Until next month. Many blessings,

Kingdom Coalition for Kids Leadership Team

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Hannah’s beautiful transformational story

Sunset in the mountains


Here is another beautiful God Wink. Enjoy Hannah’s beautiful transformational story.

Please don’t forget to keep your eyes open for God’s Winks as they are all around us.

Blessings to all from,
Kingdom Coalition for Kids Leadership Team.

Hannah’s Story

Ckreek in the mountains


We get a bonus Wink this month, so many of us have supported one of our most cherished teammates Lance Wood and his $4.83 book efforts.  Here is his recent update,

By the grace of God, we’ve been on several radio shows, a TV show, and a bunch of Zoom calls, and podcasts. That, plus your help pushed us over the top to become a #1 Amazon Best Seller. We even pushed ahead of Dave Ramsey’s book on money in the Christian Stewardship category! And you were a part of this—thank you!

We are excited to share that we have a newly updated website (https://483.fund/) and we’re trying to get the word out about the movement. Our goal is to impact the lives of 100,000 kids through Christ-centered microfinance by raising $483,000. We’d love for you to partner with us by donating $4.83 and by sharing the message with others! 

With joy and gratitude, 
Lance and Jenn

Look at what we get to do together what incredible impact we have by working and serving together.

Please enjoy this month’s Wink. Refer to the link below. Thanks Sean and his team at Groundwire for sharing this inspiring story with us.  Please check out more at www.jesuscares.com.

Is our LORD on the MOVE or what? Let’s not miss out on this front row seat. What is GOD calling you to?

Until next month, Love and peace to you ALL. Thanks for being on the journey. Together we are better.

Kingdom Coalition for Kids Leadership Team.

Heart for Lebanon

Sunset in the mountains

Our God Wink this month comes to us from our friends at “Heart for Lebanon “.
Yesterday our academic year 2021/2022 began with 390 students in our H.O.P.E. Educational Program. (Helping Overcome Poverty through Education) 3 times more than our last virtual academic year!   This message from one of our students shows that the care and compassion they are receiving is changing their beliefs; about themselves and their futures. “I’ve learned from you to work as hard as I can and with whatever resources I have. I also learned to depend on the Lord in every step I take. You are doing your best to help us learn new things every day. It’s my duty to work as hard as I can to thank you.”   Now these children have hope; for their present situations and for eternity because they are inviting Jesus into their hearts and seeing Him working in their lives.   Together we are better   TOM ATEMA
Heart for Lebanon

Ghana called Harvest Teens Ministry

Mountain lake

This month’s God Wink comes to us from our team in Ghana called Harvest Teens Ministry. Their teams are pouring into young men and women bringing them to Christ and mentoring them. This is helping them break the negative cycles of their friends or families, making them Godly young men and women so they can be mentors as the Holy Spirit directs them. WOW, now that is a GOD Wink. Their stories follow below.
At Harvest Teens Ministry, working with teenagers and young lives has become a mission of soul-winning, discipleship, fellowship, and development. We have of recent times received an understanding from Kingdom Coalition for KIDS the need to focus and deepen our works on development and mentorship in particular for teenagers in order to replicate the cycle amongst same. Below are a few God winks and transformational stories to enjoy.
Godfred Penu a young teenager who lives in the Tettegu village from a polygamous home attended the Oblogo Junior High School (JHS) where we preach. After receiving Christ, he was discipled, completed Senior High School which was rare in their family. Through mentorship, the power of God’s love transformed him to become a preacher to his peers. He is currently assisting the Harvest Teens Church Pastor. Godfred is a role model to many teenagers around. He is currently seeking admission into the Accra Technical University to study Building Technology. Please pray for Godfred.

Harriet Lamptey was a young beautiful lady who without parental support struggled in life to complete her JHS. But became Born Again, enrolled for discipleship. She got transformed and ended the negative cycle through the power of God’s love. Had completed Junior and Senior High Schools. Now aspiring to become a Christian singer and a journalist. Please pray for Harriet
Until next month. Many blessings,

Kingdom Coalition for Kids Leadership Team.
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Su Refugio’s Ministry on GOD’s work from the field


This month we hear from the Su Refugio’s Ministry on GOD’s work from the field growing His Kingdom. 

Until next time. Many blessings,

Kingdom Coalition for Kids Leadership Team.
Young girls arrive broken physically, psychologically and emotionally at Su Refugio’s children’s home in Paraguay.

They receive care and love from Christian parents and staff.  Make no mistake, this is a rescue program.  The girls go from being rescued to restored to being transformed by the powerful love of God! 

Here is a testimony from one of our girls.  God’s girl!  

When the fruit is evident!

Group of young men, teenagers and boys
Here is another lovely story of GOD’s work from the field growing His Kingdom. Thanks Jackson’s Ridge for sharing.

Until next month. Many blessings,

Kingdom Coalition for Kids Leadership Team.
When the fruit is evident!
Mentor-ship has become a focus of Jackson’s Ridge’s ministry through the on-going support and encouragement we have received from Kingdom Coalition for Kids. They have continually drawn our attention to the power of mentor-ship. Their work has had an enormous impact on this ministry and encouraged us to push further and make these opportunities available for young people. 
Even though there have been great strides made over the years through part-time training for volunteers, when we followed up with our trainees, we found that many of the volunteers that committed to run Sunday schools in our townships and villages, just struggled to run a children’s ministry in their church. Even though we had equipped them with a wide range of skills, what was lacking, was mentor-ship. 
We began a mentor-ship program around 8 years ago with the intention of making mentor-ship our focus. Over the years God has stepped in from time to time to bring a young person on board for a full time mentor-ship. 
One of these young people who God opened a door for was Onkarabtsi (Onka for short☺.) He faithfully has worked alongside us, firstly as a volunteer on our camping programs for about 3 years, and in a full time capacity for 18 months. When his mentor-ship was reaching its maturity, God opened a door. A local church that has been struggling to get their children’s ministry off the ground for a long time, contacted us for help. To cut a long story short, Onka was employed by the church as their children’s leader. Just this last Sunday we attended the services at this church, and was able to see Onka lead children right into the presence of God. As we stood and watched how he responded to the Holy Spirit and then coached and led his team and the children to experience a touch from God, our hearts were overwhelmed by what God had done. 
Mentor-ship truly changes lives.  We are so grateful for the support and encouragement that we have received through the years from Kingdom Coalition for Kids.




Transformational stories of hope in our FATHER’S love and grace

Girls in the snow
Girls in snow
Friends,   A story of inspiration from the front line:   When Dahouk al Najim was just 3-years-old his parents packed up and made the journey to neighboring Lebanon to flee from war-torn Syria. When they arrived, Heart for Lebanon was there to provide food and survival essentials and not long after, Dahouk al Najim was enrolled in school at the Hope Center a place where learns the basics like English, math, and science – but more importantly a place where the Heart for Lebanon staff teaches that Jesus loves them and plans our future. That truth has been an important lesson for Dahouk al Najim as he has recently found that that he has type I diabetes.  He told us, “I wasn’t afraid when I found out about my disease because I knew that God will always be with me. My parents work all day and aren’t home most of the time, so it is up to me to watch my diet and care for my siblings when they’re gone. I know it might seem like a big task for a 9-year-old but I can do it. I don’t know why I am so optimistic but I do know that the Lord has given me joy and the will power to go on.”

Yes, it snows in the Bekaa valley in Lebanon and here she is saying thank you for caring.  

If you have been encouraged or inspired by this, please forward to family and friends.

KC4K Leadership Team    

From the Dumps to the Ranches

Kids in the dump

God is on the move in Guatemala, KC4K partners George & Iliana Herrera have been answering Gods call to serve kids living in the dumps in rural Guatemala for the last 5 years. They have been pouring into these amazing kids food, clean water, shoes, clothes, medical services and the Gospel through Pocket Testament League tracts in Spanish and English. They provide care packets for them with socks, hygiene products, snacks,treats, vitamins, the Gospel and a small toy. They have created a team of local volunteers that are distributing food and care packets and assisting on transitioning them to temporary housings and getting them in school.  A very Godly man Otto Vasquez and his family are using one of their ranches to house 18 of these over 200 kids and the caregivers that are watching over these lucky ones. Recently  George and team have partnered with Extreme Response to work on scaling and duplicating this model. Russ Cline and team are a great resource.  We look for many more God stories of transformations of from the Dump to the Ranch. 

Grandma Shirley’s Weighted Blankets

randma Shirley's Weighted Blankets

It is never too late and Any season is the right season to answer God’s call and use your God given talents.  Our very own Mom and Grandma heard about the need for weighted blankets for abandoned and abused kids, so she stepped up and stepped in and figured out how to create these beautiful blankets.  During the process she learned the many benefits these weighted blankets have and she now creates them for all ages. She said YES to the call and has been crafting blankets of all shapes and sizes with her love and tenderness in every stitch, she attaches her signature “Made with Love by Grandma Shirley” so each child knows they are loved and Grandma cared enough about them to create their very own blanket.  The children that  have received these weighted blankets have shown improvement in so many physical and emotional ways.  What a God Wink!      

                                             Thanks Grandma Shirley, we Love you!