Today, 80 underprivileged children have a better way to access education, thanks to the gift of brand-new bikes.
The eager faces before receiving the new bicycles
The Giving It Back To Kids‘ team embarked on a meaningful journey to this far-flung area to meet with primary and secondary school students and present them with these meaningful bikes.
The joy is evident on their faces as this is their very first bike
These bicycles will make the long and difficult journey to school much easier, opening up new opportunities for these children to learn, grow, and build a brighter future.
Now I can get to school much more easily
For just $125, you can help provide a new bike to a child in need! Together, we are making a difference, one pedal at a time!
Instead of a 40-minute walk to school, it’s now just 15 minutes
GIBTK is very pleased to help children in difficult circumstances as part of its mission. Become an important part of our work by contacting us at or visiting our website:
We highly appreciate you and thank you for transforming lives”
Robert KalatschanGiving it Back to


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