Steve Kaloper

Steve Kaloper is a consultant to Christian non-profit organizations and high net worth families. Steve has nearly 20-years experience in marketing, developing strategic relationships, and consulting in the private,public and non-profit sectors.

Leader. Passionate. Strong Verbal Communication. Driver. Strategist

As Founder and CEO of Development Services Group, Steve offers fundraising strategies for non-profits integrating various aspects of the donor-cultivation process The Art of a Relationships Campaigns for the purpose of advancing the organizations mission and raising the needed funds is his specialty. As co-Founder and CEO of the Kingdom Capital Group, Steve developed the concept of Impact Philanthropy, a resultsoriented approach to giving—and a key aspect of the New Wave of Philanthropy. Steve grew up and began his career in Southern California serving on staff of a mega-church in Newport Beach. His career continued as a full-service registered financial advisor with Smith Barney and Merrill Lynch. Then as Director of Development for the Family Research Council based in Washington, D.C. Steve later joined the private sector as Director of Marketing for a direct mail marketing agency serving organizations such as The Salvation Army was sold on Wall Street. Steve engaged his true passion serving ministries as a DSG consultant to numerous non-profits and V.P. of Marketing and Development for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. Born and raised in Southern California, he and his wife Shannon along with their four kids reside in Georgia. Steve’s desire is to live a life of transparency, integrity, and to illustrate an irresistible life-style for Christ as they disciple, equip and empower their kids to glorify God. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree from the school of Social Ecology from the University of California Irvine. Currently serving on several non-profit and profit boards as well authored his first book in 2015.


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