We invest in communities by building up God’s Children to build up and change their communities. We do this by partnering with like ministries to share the gospel, provide play, camps and mentoring, nutritious hot meals, clean water, as well as several other basic needs. Once the child feels the love and protection of the coalition, we build with them to start the change in their communities. We feel Gods greatest Kingdom changers are his children, by giving them the belief and confidence in themselves to dream again there is no limit to what they can achieve. We feel collaboration is what God is calling us to do, the more we share our time, talents, and treasures the bigger impact on his kingdom we will have. By Sharing and showing Christ’s love to his children, they will in turn do the same. We can and will make a change, so let’s start today. God has placed something special in our hearts to serve children and all we are doing is responding to the call that God has placed in our hearts. When we work together and collaborate resources and relationships there is greater impact for Gods children.
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