We recruit local churches to become champions for families by educating them on the need to support families after children have been placed in their homes.
Many churches are doing the important work of helping their congregants understand the plight of foster and orphaned children. We encourage churches to back-up this call with ongoing support.
Let us equip you to serve foster, adoptive, and kinship families in your community
Today’s social fabric of the world has departed significantly from the Biblical behavior God’s Word has instructed us to follow and live in.
Our children need to be armed with God’s Word in order to counter ungodly behavior as they go to school, get on the internet and mix with their friends
The 1 ½ to 2 hours of Godly instruction our children receive on Sunday at Children’s Church either in person or on-line is just not enough.
This is “such a time as this” for parents and caregivers (who are the primary people responsible to instruct children concerning Biblical and spiritual living) and the church to take up their God given responsibility to ensure children
are instructed on a 24/7 basis in Biblical and spiritual teaching as found in Deut 6:4-9 and Eph 6:4.
Learn more about tools your church can use to better support your fostering families within your congregation.
Learn more about tools and resources to support your churches children’s ministry and their programs