Bible Coloring Pages for christian Parents


Help the children in your church feel useful (connected to the body) by encouraging them to color Bible verses for others, cards for the ill, invitations to the unsaved, special Bible blessings for new converts OR giving a Bible makeover to their homes and the homes of their extended family: Aaunts, uncles, cousins etc. Receiving a hand colored Father’s Day, Mother’s day, or birthday card with the best wishes of a child could surely be used of God to influence even the most wavering soul. Imagine what an army of children coloring these cards could do for the body of Christ, not to mention the blessing a child’s soul feels when it is able to be a part of something worthwhile. Coloring Bible Verses for others could birth in a child’s heart a deep sense of being worthwhile, of wanting to belong and do more. These free Bible Coloring pages could be just the thing to help Parents share the Bible with their children.

Sprinkle the world with Bible Verses


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